Special Education
Welcome to the Duval County Special Education Co-Op's webpage! We hope that these pages will give each parent, student, and educator an idea of what services our program provides to students with disabilities. We also hope that this site assists viewers to become active participants in all aspects of the special education process. Feel free to navigate through our site and please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions or concerns. Join us as we make our schools "a better place" for our students!
JoAnn Valderas, Duval County Special Education Director
Benavides ISD - 106 W School St. - Benavides. Tx 78341 361-256-3003 https://www.benavidesisd.net/
Ramirez Commom School District - 10492 School St - Realitos, Texas 361-539-4343 http://www.ramirezcsd.esc2.net/